August News
Hi Friends,
August flew by, didn’t it? If you missed our August newsletter, we’ve got your back. Here’s the recap!
How to Get the Most From Your Sysops Subscription
With the cost of everything on the rise, it’s vital to make every dollar count. If you’re not using all of your SysOps Support Subscription time each month, or you’re not quite sure what it is exactly, then here’s a post that might help!
Unwanted Bot Traffic
We’ve seen a noticeable uptick in web-crawler traffic the last few months. For some websites, there are so many bots crawling at once that it’s causing poor website performance. So we’ve created a guide on how to allow the crawlers you want, and how to block the ones you don’t! Here’s the link!

Adobe ColdFusion Updates Tomcat
On August 20th, Adobe ColdFusion released an update for ColdFusion 2023 and 2021, upgrading Tomcat from 9.0.85 to version 9.0.93. Check out Adobe’s announcement for more information and tech notes about this update. And Charlie Arehart has written an article discussing what you may want to consider before applying this update and some of the differences between the two versions of Tomcat.
Upcoming Events
We’ll be at the Adobe ColdFusion Summit on September 30th and October 1st in Las Vegas. If you’re in the area, we’d love for you to come by and say hello! Use promo code cfpromo_20 for 20% off on both Session and Premium passes! Here’s where to register.
In Case You Missed It …
Our SSL certificate provider is increasing prices by 7% (on average) starting on September 1, 2024. Updated pricing can be found on our SSL page.
And that’s all the Vivio news from August. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us!
All the information featured here was included in our last monthly newsletter. If you’d like to receive your own copy of Vivio’s monthly newsletter, you can subscribe here!
See you next month! 😎