As you may have heard, there was a disagreement between Symantec, one of the largest providers of SSL’s in the world, and Google, the developer of the most popular web browser in the world. Symantec owned several SSL providers,including Thawte, GeoTrust, and RapidSSL, and Google was concerned that the way some of Symantec’s partners were issuing SSL’s was not secure. While we won’t go into the details of that event here, you can read more about it on Google’s Blog:

Not long after the disagreement, Symantec decided to sell its SSL business to a company called “Digicert”. You can read about that sale here if you like:

Vivio is in the process of reaching out to our effected clients directly via email to let them know how this scuffle between corporate giants will affect them, but we wanted to start with a detailed blog post. In order to avoid any interruption of service, we simply need to reissue any Symantec, Thawte, GeoTrust, or RapidSSL certificate that was purchased before December 1st, 2017. The reissue will cost nothing, and it will not add or remove time from any SSL effected.

The SSL reissue process will be nearly identical to the purchase process that was completed when the original certificate was purchased, in most cases, Digicert will send you a confirmation email, and you’ll need to click a button to approve it. In an effort to save you time, Vivio will be going through all our active SSL certificates and performing reissues on all qualifying SSL’s using the same email address that you used to order the certificate. On any certificates which include extended validation we will work closely with the client to ensure the process is as painless as possible.

If you have any concerns about how this process will effect you or you haven’t heard from us yet, please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

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