Last week, Lucee released new stable versions to address multiple security vulnerabilities affecting all previous software versions. The Lucee team advises updating to the latest stable release, version, immediately.  If you’re running an older version of Lucee, the following versions have backported stable releases:     •    •    • The Lucee […]

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TLDR: Verify that you’re running a secure Linux kernel version. Vulnerability Name: CVE-2022-0847 or “Dirty Pipe” What does it do? This flaw in the Linux Kernel can be easily exploited, giving a local user the ability to overwrite data in read-only files. What operating systems/software versions are affected? Linux Kernel 5.8 and later versions are affected, but it’s […]

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TL;DR: If you’re using the plugin, Starter Templates on your WordPress site, make sure you’re using version 2.7.5 or higher. Vulnerability in the Starter Templates Plugin Last month, Wordfence disclosed a vulnerability in the plugin, Starter Templates allowing contributor-level WordPress users the capability of overwriting any page on the website. This vulnerability has been given […]

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Last updated: June 4, 2024 2024 has been a good year so far for cybercriminals. The list of hospitals, schools, businesses, and city governments that have experienced significant data losses and financial damages due to ransomware is still growing. “Software vulnerabilities” has consistently remained one of the top three techniques used to infect systems with […]

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