Starting April 1st, 2017, Vivio will be implementing small changes to MS SQL Server Web Edition, Managed Support, and IP Addresses. We’re posting this notice a couple months before this happens to give you a fair amount of time before the changes take affect.


Changes to MS SQL Server Web Edition

Back in October, 2016, Vivio announced a drastic price decrease for users of MS SQL Server Web Edition due to a change in how we were implementing the new licensing model. The affect for most users was the the cost to use MS SQL Server Web Edition dropped from $30/mo to $5/mo on VPS accounts (about an 83% price reduction).

In our rush to pass on the significant cost savings of the new MS SQL Server Web Edition licensing, we failed to account for all variables and ended up miscalculating the cost properly. Put bluntly, we’re currently running MS SQL Server Web Edition at a loss, and it’s hurting us. So, while it pains me to my core to say it, we will need to raise the price just a little on MS SQL Server Web Edition in order for it to remain viable.

Please understand, Vivio’s business model has never been focused on making money from software licensing. We simply try to cover our costs there. Instead, our model purposely depends on forming long-term relationships. We operate in this way to force ourselves to focus on helping our clients succeed. That’s the kind of business we want to work with, so that’s the kind of business we try to be.

In October, 2016, the cost for MS SQL Server was $15 for every 2 cores of CPU with a 4 core minimum ($30 minimum). Starting now for new orders, the price for MS SQL Server Web Edition will be $10 for every 2 cores of CPU with a 2-core minimum for Virtual Machines, and $15 for every 2 cores of CPU with a 4-core minimum on Dedicated Servers ($30 minimum).

For current customers using MS SQL Server Web Edition, this price change will NOT go into affect until April, 2017 in an effort to give you time to accommodate the change. We realize this change is discouraging, but we hope the fact that it is still a 66% discount from what the price was in October, that the disappointment from this change will be easy to overcome.

Here’s a simple break-down for current clients:

Prior to October, 2016:

$15 / 2-cores*

October, 2016 to April 1, 2017:

$5 / 2-cores**

After April 1, 2017:

$10 / 2-cores**

* 4-Core Minimum for VPS
** 2-Core Minimum for VPS


Changes to Managed Support

First, the bad news. The cost for Managed Support will be increasing very slightly to $35/mo. Now, before you send us angry email, let us explain how this will help you!

Have you ever been in a situation where you needed help with your server, but because your server used 3rd party (unsupported) software, you couldn’t get the support you needed without paying high support charges.

The conversation usually went something like this:

Website Owner: “Hi Support, can you help me with my site?”
Support: “It appears the problem with your server is the result of 3rd party software. You either need to get someone else to help you, or you can pay us ten billion dollars and then we’ll help.”
Website Owner: “That’s not support, that’s extortion!”

Okay, so maybe the conversation didn’t go exactly like that, but Vivio has historically handled 3rd party software support in (what has felt like) a similar manner. We call our 3rd party support “Extended Support”. Our policy of having to refuse to help someone because they’re using unsupported software has been difficult for us, because it seems contrary to our core principals of helping our clients grow. We really wanted to fix that, and we think the following might be a good solution.

In our effort to continually strive for excellence with Vivio’s Managed Support, we’re adding “Best-Effort 3rd party software support” to our Managed Support lineup.

But wait! There’s more!

In addition to adding “best effort 3rd party software support,” Vivio will also be including a single server license for Sophos Endpoint Protection to every server covered by Vivio Managed Support. With this addition, not only do you get direct access to amazing Vivio technicians, but your server will now also be protected by commercial, enterprise-grade security software controls. Sophos Endpoint Protection works on both Linux and Windows servers, so you’ll be able to take advantage of this offer no matter what OS you use.

Normally, the cost for Sophos Endpoint Protection is $15/mo, but if you have Managed Support, it will be included as part of your Managed Support package.

For those of you who already have Managed Support and are paying for Sophos Endpoint Protection separately, this means the cost of your services will actually be reduced by $10/mo. You’ll go from $30 for Managed Support and $15 for Sophos Endpoint ($45/mo) to just $35/mo and you’ll still get both services.

For those of you who do not yet run Sophos Endpoint Protection in your servers, your cost will increase by $5/mo and you will reep the benefits of Sophos Endpoint Protection:

1) Time-consuming tasks such as a virus-infection or malware infection will be detected and prevented before they become a major issue.
2) Your servers and your clients will benefit from increased security and protection.
3) Your servers will more affordably comply with PCI and HIPAA certification requirements which require anti-virus solutions on all servers.

The updated price tag of $35/mo and the benefit of the Sophos Endpoint Protection license will not go into effect until April 1st, 2017, in order to give you time to accommodate for the price change. Those of you who want to upgrade to the new price plan so you can take advantage of the newly included Sophos Endpoint Protection license are welcome to do so before the April 1st start date. We encourage you to upgrade early!

Those of you who do not want to run Sophos Endpoint Protection on your servers despite the fact that it will be included with Managed Support will not be required to install it, but we highly recommend that you at least consider the option for your own protection and the protection of your clients.

Those of you who are currently running Sophos Endpoint Protection without Managed Support, nothing will change for you. However, understand that if you need Managed Support, your cost will only go up by $20/mo now instead of $30. It’s a good time to add Managed Support!

As a quick reminder: even at $35/mo, Vivio’s Managed Support remains more effective, and is vastly more affordable than other Managed Hosting providers out there. Here are just a few examples of Managed Hosting providers who are brave enough to post their prices:

  • Rackspace – $50/mo minimum with minimal support options
  • Linode – $100/mo minimum
  • SingleHop – $70/mo minimum
  • MediaTemple – $199/mo minimum

With best-effort 3rd party software support, and the addition of Sophos Endpoint Protection, you’ll be more prepared than ever to conquer the challenges of the web. It’s worth it!


Changes to IP Addresses

As some of you know, the supply of IP addresses is dwindling. As the results of supply and demand hit the free market of IP addresses, the cost of IP addresses are going up drastically. As a direct result of these price changes in the market, so Vivio must raise our cost for additional IP addresses. Effective immediately, the cost for extra IP addresses for new orders will be increased from $1/mo to $2/mo. Effective April 1st, 2017, the cost for ALL additional IP addresses will increase from $1/mo to $2/mo.

The idea is three-fold:

  1. To encourage the use of technologies like Server Name Identification (SNI) which removes the need to use a unique IP address for every SSL-secured domain you have.
  2. To lower the demand of IPs from Vivio’s existing IP pools.
  3. To help pay the extortionist rates of new IPs should Vivio have to purchase more.

Did you know you could probably implement SNI right now and remove those extra unsightly IPs from your server? Please email Vivio support if you would like assistance removing extra IPs from your server.


If you have any additional questions about any of the changes indicated above, please email our sales department or comment below. If you have a question, chances are good other folks will too.

Thank you!

  1. The support I get from Vivio is superb. It could not be better. So, the monthly charge is very reasonable. I have zero issues with it.

  2. Great company with amazing support and excellent communication. This post is a perfect example of that. It’s a pleasure doing business with your team.

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