Using a managed services provider like Vivio to oversee and manage your IT infrastructure saves you money versus the “wait till it breaks” mentality of many of today’s businesses.

As a managed services provider, Vivio takes responsibility for your IT operations and provides 24-hour monitoring, managing IT systems, and problem resolution for your IT. The 24-hour monitoring lets both you and Vivio know when a problem is (or might be) occurring. Depending on the problem, you become aware of potential issues before they can cause significant delays to your money-making business processes. This is where you really save money.

Remote monitoring, maintenance and prevention save you on both time and money when compared to fixing something after it breaks. First, when Vivio knows about a problem in advance and fixes it, your systems keep running. Your networks don’t go down. Your business stays productive. How much is this worth to you?

According to CompTIA, 46 percent of firms have trimmed their annual IT expenditures by 25 percent or more because of their shift to managed services. 1

Take your yearly revenue projection and divide by 365 days. This is how much one day of productivity means to your business. How reliant are you on your IT systems? If you’re like most businesses today, you are very reliant on your systems. If your system is down for a day, how much does that impact your revenue?

Secondly, Vivio’s ongoing maintenance can give you insight into your infrastructure and what it’s going to cost to run them optimally. You aren’t reacting to things breaking and incurring unexpected costs in the heat of the moment. Instead, you can work out a plan that shows when purchases need to be made and how much they’ll cost. You can control your IT infrastrure costs and predict them, rather than being held hostage by your IT systems and the unexpected costs of fixing them.

Maintaining control of your IT infrastructure spending is important because the cost of staying ahead of your competition is increasing and more and more businesses move to doing business online. According to new data from IDC 2, Small businesses will spend nearly $602 billion this year on IT software and services.

Managed services help you understand the value of your IT systems in advance. Optimized IT performance not only allows you to know the productivity, reliability, and consistency of your current IT systems, but also helps you plan for the future and stay competitive. To learn how Vivio Managed Services with SysOps Support can help save you money, visit the Vivio SysOps Support page.



(1) CompTIA. Managed IT Services Users Benefitting from Real Cost Savings New CompTIA Study Finds.” 25/managed_it_services_users_benefitting_from_real_cost_savings_new_comptia_study_finds.aspx (July 31, 2018)

(2) Gagliardi, Natalie. “Small business IT spending to pass $600 billion in 2018: IDC.” (July 31, 2018).

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