Last week Adobe released a new security update for Adobe ColdFusion versions 2021, 2016, and 2018. This latest update responds to the discovery of an Improper Input Validation vulnerability (CVE-2021-21087) that could lead to arbitrary code execution. This vulnerability is rated Moderate with the recommendation that administrators install this new update within the next 30 […]

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You’ve probably heard the advice about not reusing passwords. Maybe it’s even advice that you put into practice most of the time. Until you’re signing up for an online streaming service and as you briefly consider entering a unique, 20-digit randomly-generated password, the idea fills you with dread. Not only do you have to enter […]

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What’s new with Classic Hosting? Vivio Classic Hosting has been upgraded to provide the same flexibility and simplicity that you’ve seen with Vivio Velocity Hosting. You are no longer forced to use predefined “plans.” Instead, you can simply upgrade any resource (processing, memory, storage, etc.) whenever you need to. This means you only pay for […]

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How’s your inbox? Does it seem like you’re getting more spam lately? Billions of emails are sent out each day, and more than half of that is spam. According to Cisco, 88% of the email sent last month was spam. In June, spam reached a 15-month high with 459 billion spam emails! A lot of […]

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You’ve decided it’s time to build a website for that side hustle you’ve been working on every weekend. Or maybe you’re considering a remodel on your company’s existing website. Browsing through the WordPress theme sites is a great place to start when you want to get the creativity flowing. There are so many professional themes […]

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Updated December 5, 2019 Several registry providers have announced pricing changes for some of their Top-level-domains. (TLD’s are the letters immediately after the final dot in an internet address.) This new pricing will go into effect on the dates specified below for both the renewal of existing domains and the purchase of new domains. Most […]

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We wanted to let our cPanel customers know about some licensing changes that will be happening beginning November 1, 2019. cPanel recently announced significant changes to their licensing structure. These changes took everyone in the hosting community by surprise, and we’re all working to implement these changes. Licensing Models Licensing for cPanel has previously been […]

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Webmin released a critical update for a 0-day exploit this week. This exploit creates a backdoor for unauthenticated, remote execution of malicious code on Webmin servers. This vulnerability appears in software versions 1.890, 1.900 to 1.920. Software versions 1.900 to 1.920 are not exploitable in a default installation. “Prompt users with expired passwords to enter […]

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This week, Microsoft announced a whole new round of vulnerabilities in Remote Desktop Protocol. There are seven new RDP security vulnerabilities in total; however, the focus is on the two that are wormable. Referring to their similarity to BlueKeep, this pair of vulnerabilities is known as DejaBlue. CVE-2019-1181 and CVE-2019-1182 both have a severity score […]

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If you feel like you’re hearing about ransomware a lot right now, it’s not in your imagination. In the second half of 2018, ransomware attacks on businesses went up by 88%. It’s become lucrative to prey on companies that are desperate to restore their data and resume day-to-day functions. The popular ransomware variant, Ryuk, has […]

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